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活动回顾 | 将“宝贝骑士总动员”进行到底 Never Ends, “Baby Cavaliers’ Story”

日期:2015-04-13 来源:公众号 点击:6137 次

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瞧,这两位young ladies,像不像英国摇滚妞妞二人组?还是朋克风哟!

活动中,冬令营抢先体验环节,均源自骑域国际青少年骑士院3Q(IQ, EQ, PQ)教育理念。孩子们的动脑、沟通、协作能力在体验中得以充分的展现和提升。骑域的冬令营课程将马背上的“动”与教室里的“静”相结合。让来自全球的小朋友在接触与掌握欧洲马术精髓的同时,帮助孩子们理解和运用所学的马上知识与技巧,同时提高小组作业的沟通与合作能力。




As the year comes to a close, families from international schools had spent a memorable afternoon time with Ipony International Youth Cavaliers Academy.

Ipony “Baby Cavaliers’ Story” New Year theme family party had been held in M+ Café of The Grand Summit. The place had been set to three areas which are show place, kids’ area and parents’ area.

This little gentleman was forced to leave during the party, because he had a drama lesson soon. We wished the time could be slower and slower, and let this little boy can enjoy the pleasure, growth and change from Ipony equestrian education.

We have another touch story and want to share with you. Our party started at 14:45pm on 27th last Saturday, but members could be admitted at 14:30pm. A family who had a flight trip on Saturday afternoon had been arrived at M+ Café as they promised. Thanks this parent! You are not only the best lead for your child, and also a warm supporter for Ipony International Youth Cavaliers Academy.

Look these two young ladies! Are they looked like a rock British girl group? Punk Style!

Bilingual Europe-style Equestrian Winter Camp first experience had been added into our party. Children’s communication skills and cooperation abilities has been shown up and improved during the activities. Ipony Equestrian Winter Camp will develop children’s all-round ability by dynamic and static classes.

There were two boys have joined the coming Bilingual Europe-style Equestrian Winter Camp. Guo Sir – the head coach of Ipony International Youth Cavaliers Academy had issued the certificates of the camp to these two little cavaliers. Welcome to join us! Other cavaliers who have booked Ipony winter camp but did not attend to our party, your certificates have all prepared already, hurry up to pick them up!

Kids had gained happiness, friends and knowledge from the party. Parents are the same. It is an opportunity to develop parents’ multi-cultural visions by understanding Ipony Europe-style equestrian education system.

Ipony New Year family theme party had been ended, but Bilingual Europe-style Equestrian Winter Camp is still in the admission. Remains are limited. Future cavaliers, please come up and join us!

Hot lines: 010-59292763.




首家. 东南四环骑士院




Ipony Internatioanl Youth Cavaliers Academy

The Headquarter Add:
Floor 23, No. 52 South Road of East Third Ring Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing.

Hotline : 010-59292736


First Cavaliers Academy of IPONY
Add: Southeast Fourth Ring Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing



Where children can go beyond themselves!


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